4 lies and a truth about the midlife crisis

you've changed and it's beautiful

You heard the jokes growing up. The middle-aged guy who buys a convertible. The middle-aged woman who won’t have sex with her husband. Then there’s the total erasure all together of middle-aged people in movies, TV, and magazines. 

So in the spirit of fun, I thought it’d be fun to play a little game about this time we hopefully all get to experience. It's called Four Lies and a Truth About the Midlife Crisis. It’s based on the popular Two Truths and a Lie, but adjusted for the many falsehoods we’ve been conditioned to believe.  

Your body is going to fall apart. 

Lie. While it’s true that we may experience more joint and muscle pain around menopause than we have before, it doesn’t mean we’re falling apart. In fact, if we start lifting weights now, we will build new muscle fiber and strengthen our bones. That’s the opposite of falling apart. 

Your career has already peaked.

Lie. An MIT study showed that entrepreneurial success after 60 Is much more likely than for a 30-something. This is also a time when our productivity increases. Maybe it’s because we’ve finally learned to work smarter, not harder. Or maybe it’s because we have more free time on our hands? Either way, we’ve got lots of opportunities ahead of us to achieve our own definition of success.

Sex will suck. 

Lie. First of all, once you reach midlife you know now what you like and feel empowered enough to ask for it. Second, if you’ve been raising kids for the past couple of decades, you’re going to have the whole house to yourselves now all. day. long. Finally, if you do encounter difficulties you feel confident enough to talk with your doctor about solutions. 

It’s a crisis. 

Lie. It’s true that this can be a challenging time but it’s not a crisis, it’s an opportunity. We’ve been given the chance to course correct and head into a future we get to create! And it’s as bright and beautiful as we make it.  

You feel more empowered and give fewer f*cks about things you shouldn’t have worried about in the first place. 

Truth. Your boundaries are stronger. Your relationships are deeper. And you’re no longer interested in worrying what other people think, allowing you to fully embrace your talents and ambition. 

Is it true that this time of life can be uncomfortable? Hell yes. But it’s not a crisis, it’s just growing pains. So here’s to a sexier, more empowered, healthier, happier older you! 

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