Vogue uses the terms "the menopause" and "the perimenopause" to discuss aging

Look, we know the peri- and menopause markets are strong right now—billion-dollars strong—so it makes sense that Vogue would get to it eventually.

While their November cover with Christy, Naomi, Linda, and Cindy was a nice dive in for them, their latest interview with Victoria Beckham’s trainer seems less…elegant.

In fact, it seems completely out of touch. Let’s take a look:

“Weight training is particularly important for women, especially if they have had children or are going through the menopause. “There’s a five percent decrease in bone density for every child you have, because the baby absorbs nutrients away from the body, so it’s really important that you start considering bone health early–that’s just one of the benefits of weight training,” Rich says. During the perimenopause, you’re also more at risk of osteoporosis, not to mention that muscle mass helps with metabolism, which naturally decreases as we get older.”

Maybe it’s a typo and we certainly aren’t blaming any one person, but we’re not sure this is the type of inclusion we were looking for.

For more on the benefits of weight/strength training during perimenopause and menopause read our interviews with three women who bust exercise myths for those 40+.

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